Curcio Dermatology is Nashville’s premier dermatologic surgery and skin rejuvenation center, providing outstanding medical care with professionalism and full attention to patient comfort. We provide the latest medical technology, the newest lasers and devices, and most current treatments in a state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Green Hills. From skin cancer screenings to modern cosmetic skin treatments, Curcio Dermatology is experienced in both medical and surgical procedures.
(615) 679-9011
Curcio Dermatology

TheraClear™ Acne System

Acne is the most common skin problem in the US, affecting 50 million Americans at some point in their life.

Acne is classically thought of as a disease of teenagers, but many women have acne into their 30s, 40s, 50s and even later. It begins with the development of comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. There are often significant psychological side effects associated with acne including anxiety, depression and poor self-image.

First TheraClear™ Acne System in Tennessee

Curcio Dermatology is proud to be the first practice in Tennessee to offer patients TheraClear™. The TheraClear™ Acne System is a state-of-the-art acne treatment that addresses multiple causes of acne. The TheraClear™ Acne System combines light and vacuum for fast and visible reduction in acne and associated redness. TheraClear™ is the only continuously cooled device FDA cleared for the treatment of multiple acne indications on ALL skin types.

Specific Acne Indications include:

  • Comedonal acne (whiteheads& blackheads)
  • Mild to Moderate Inflammatory acne (red bumps)
  • Mild to Moderate Pustular acne (pus bumps)

The TheraClear™ Acne System Highlights

A State of the art hand-designed hand piece delivers both light and vacuum. Combines light and vacuum for fast and visible reduction in acne and associated redness. The TheraClear™ Acne System is often used without any of the traditional topical or oral acne therapies or it can be combined with a variety of treatments.

  • Mechanically evacuates sebum and acne causing bacteria for immediate outcomes
  • Effective on non-responders to other acne treatments
  • Requires no pre-treatment gels or anesthetics
  • 5-6 weekly or bi-weekly treatments that are quick and painless
  • Most patients require a single touch up treatment every three to four months after their series of treatments

How does TheraClear™ Acne System work to improve acne?

  • The TheraClear™ Acne System device addresses multiple causes of acne with each treatment.
  • Extraction: By removing the sebum, the food for the bacteria and its protection from oxygen, the two items P. acne bacteria need to survive are gone, creating a hostile environment for their return
  • Broad-band Light: Light targets porphryns, destroying the P. acne bacteria, further reduces sebum production, and dramatically reduces the erythema (redness), and pigmentary changes associated with acne

Link to TheraClear on “The Doctors”

Before & After Pictures

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Curcio Dermatology