Curcio Dermatology is Nashville’s premier dermatologic surgery and skin rejuvenation center, providing outstanding medical care with professionalism and full attention to patient comfort. We provide the latest medical technology, the newest lasers and devices, and most current treatments in a state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Green Hills. From skin cancer screenings to modern cosmetic skin treatments, Curcio Dermatology is experienced in both medical and surgical procedures.
(615) 679-9011
Curcio Dermatology

Facial Veins

Most sun-induced facial veins (telangiectasias) on the face occur on the cheeks, nose, and chin. Once veins come, the veins that are there seem to stimulate the growth of more veins at a much faster rate. Thus, people feel like their facial redness suddenly occurred over a very short period of time.

Facial veins acquired from the sun flush more easily than other veins in response to a host of stimuli such as: exercise, hot and cold weather, spicy foods, alcohol, and hot beverages like coffee. Avoiding these stimuli is recommended, but nearly impossible to avoid entirely. Facial redness and flushing due to the acquiring veins from sun exposure is called rosacea. Rosacea is often accompanied by other symptoms of long-term sun-exposure including enlarged pores and pimples.

Facial Vein Treatment:

  • Daily Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen
  • Vascular Laser Treatment: Facial veins can be effectively removed by vascular Lasers Treatments such as Excel V™ that target the blood vessels for effective clearance. It can be used to remove redness and flushing, as well.
    • After a single laser treatment, a significant improvement can be seen in most people, although a series of treatments are necessary to remove virtually all of the veins and keep them away for an extended period of time.

Make an appointment with Dr. Curcio to determine what treatment is best for you.

Curcio Dermatology


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2125 Bandywood Drive
Nashville, TN 37215


Events & Special Offers


Acne is classically thought of as a disease of teenagers, but many women have acne into their 30s, 40s, 50s and even later.

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Acne Scars

Scars are areas of fibrous tissue that replace normal skin after injury. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process.

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Benign Growths

Scars are areas of fibrous tissue that replace normal skin after injury. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process.

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Red Birthmarks
Birthmarks are common skin lesions that are either present at birth or develop shortly afterwards.

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Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. Many people who have hyperhidrosis sweat from one or two areas of the body (Primary Hyperhidrosis).

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Melasma is a disorder of pigmentation characterized by brown to gray-brown patches on the face. These patches most commonly appear on the cheeks, forehead, bridge of the nose, chin and above the upper lip.

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Melanoma skin cancers occur less frequently than basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas but are significantly more lethal, killing 1 person every hour in the U.S. Melanoma can arise by itself or from a pre-existing mole that becomes rapidly growing, itching, bleeding, or changing its color or surface.

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Moles (Nevi)
It’s important to take time to look at the moles on your skin because this is a good way to find melanoma early. When checking your skin, you should look for the ABCDEs of melanoma.

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Pre-cancers (Actinic Keratoses)
Actinic keratosis (AK) is the most common pre-cancerous skin lesion that affects more than 58 million Americans.

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Rosacea is a common skin disease affecting more than 14 million Americans. It often begins with a tendency to blush or flush more easily than other people.

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Acne Scarring
If acne scarrring bothers you, safe and effective treatment is available. Many people notice that acne scars often become more prominent as we age because our skin loses collagen.

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Skin Cancer
More than 3.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed annually and 1 in 5 Americans will develop some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. Skin cancer is highly curable when identified in its earliest stages.

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Brown Spots & Freckles
Freckles are small brown spots found on the face and arms. They are caused by the sun and genetics and usually first appear in childhood.

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Total Body Photography
High quality medical photography is paramount at Curcio Dermatology. We built a dedicated, state of the art, photo studio that contains the most current imaging technology available to document and analyze your skin conditions.

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Spider veins are very small and fine red, blue, or purple veins that are close to the skin surface. They can be found on the face and legs. They can look like a thin line or tree branches.

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Wart Removal
Are you looking to remove a wart? The first step in the wart removal process is have a dermatologist perform a skin evaluation.

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Sun exposure is the main cause of wrinkles but genetics also play a significant role in wrinkle development.

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Cherry Angiomas
Cherry hemangiomas are little red bumps that most commonly appear on the trunk, especially the abdomen and back, although they can appear almost anywhere.

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Enlarged Pores
Enlarged pores, typically on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin, are one of the toughest challenges to treat.

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Redness of Neck or Chest
Redness on the sides of the neck and chest is called Poikiloderma of Civatte (POC). This redness results from long-term sun-exposure. Once the redness appears, it stays and continues to worsen.

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Curcio Dermatology